We offer the unusual ability to combine street-level investigations with sophisticated database and technological resources to provide an outstanding variety of investigative services.  A sample of some of our past cases include:

  • Tracked down a customer who purchased a car from a dealer using a fictitious identity.
  • Resolved theft of high-tech materials from a manufacturing firm.
  • Fact checking of human rights issue in foreign country to address liability concerns of a book publishing company.
  • Use of telephone survey and statistical model to perform analysis that mitigated multiple-defendant fraud allegations.
  • Located homeless family member and initiated steps towards reconciliation.
  • Addressed family concerns about a relative’s Nazi Party membership history through archival research.
  • Internet and background research and secret purchases revealed operation that was selling knock off products on eBay.
  • Located key witness not named in any report that resulted in multi-million dollar settlement in personal injury case.
  • Due diligence investigation determined prospective business partners had long criminal history and dubious associations.
  • Identified and recruited expert witness who provided a report that immediately resulted in favorable settlement.